Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Human Body and Health

The Human Body and Health

1. The cells in the sense organs that receive sensory information are called receptors.
2. Ear lobe or Pinna is the characteristic feature of mammals.
3. External ear comprises, pinna, external auditory meatus and tympanic membrane.
4. Middle ear consists of 3 bones in a chain called Malleus, Incus and Stapes.
5. Inner ear has coiled cochlea and semicircular canals.
6. The receptors of taste are called gustatory receptors.
7. Keratin is a protein present in the skin.
8. Melanin is a pigment which gives colour to the skin.  Albinos have no melanin in their skin.
9. Pacinian corpuscles act as pressure receptors.
10. Nociceptors are the receptors for pain.
11. The study of skin and its diseases is called Dermatology.
12. Snake venom contains neurotoxins or haemolytic toxins.
13. When a snake bites a person, cloth must be tied above the site of injury tightly and Anti-                     snake venoms are administered.
14. The following are the poisonous snakes of India.
1. Cobra                        – Naja naja
2. King Cobra                – Naja hanna
3. Rusells viper        – Vipera russelli
        4. Krait                        – Bungarus fasciatus
                5. Sawscaled viper         – Echis carinata
                6. Sea snake                – Enhydrina
15. Cobra and Krait venom has neurotoxins and damage the nervous system.
16. Viper venom contains haemolytic toxins. The sea snake venom paralyses the muscles.

Objective Bits

1. The middle layer of the eye is called .... (Choroid layer)
2. The innermost layer of the eye is called ..................... (Retina)
3. The sclerotic layer forms ........... in the front part of the eye. (Cornea) 
4. Iris is present below the ......... of the eye.  (Cornea) 
5. A central aperture present in the iris is ....  (Pupil)
6. Behind the iris .......... is present. (Lens) 
7. Lens is also called ........ (Crystalline cone)
8. Lens is held in position by muscles called ............... (Ciliary muscles)
9. The main inner chamber of the eye is ..... (Vitreous chamber)
10. Vitreous chamber is filled with a dense jelly like substance called ..........(Vitreous Humour)
11. The pigment present in cones is ........... (Iodopsin)  
12. ...... is the actual sensory part of the eye. (Retina)
13. Cones are present in large numbers in the part of the retina, opposite to pupil called (Fovea)
14. There are no Rods and Cones in the region called ............. (Blind spot)  
15. When the image falls infront of the retina, the defect is .................. (Myopia)
16. ......... are responsible for colour vision.  (Cones)                       
17. .......... controls the amount of light falling on the retina. (Pupil) 
18. ............. are the cells concerned with the function of receiving stimulus.  (Receptors)
19. Eye balls are located in the ............... part of the skull. (Orbits) 
20. Size and diameter of the lens are regulated by ......................  (Ciliary muscles)
21. Visual violet is the pigment of .... (Cones) 
22. Visual purple is the name of....(Rhodopsin)
23. ......., ........ and ........ are the three bones of the middle ear. (Malleus, incus, stapes)
24. Auditory meatus is covered by ............... membrane. (tympanic)
25. We can hear sound waves in the fre-quency range of .............   (16 – 40,000) 
26. Presence of external ear or pinna is the characteristic feature of ...... (Mammals)
27. Upper and lower chambers of cochlea are separated by ............. (Cochlea) 
28. Fluid in which internal ear floats is ......... (Perilymph)
29. Sound waves are transmitted in the form of ............ to the brain. (Electric impulses) 
30. Hearing organ present in the cochlea of inner ear in mammals is ...(Organ of corti)
31. ............... nerve communicates the sound impulses to the brain. (Auditory)
32. Ear wax is formed from the secretions of ............. (Ceruminous glands)
33. Fenestra ovalis and Fenestra rotundus are the openings of ................. (Cochlea) 
34. Internal ear is connected to the brain by ............... (Endolymphatic duct)  
35. Middle and inner ears are protected by .......................... (Optic capsule)
36. External ear is also called ........ (Pinna) 
37. ............. is present at the end of the external auditory meatus. (Tympanum) 
38. The cavity of the middle ear and cavities of mouth are connected by a tube called                                  ........................ (Eustachian tube)
39. Inner cavity of the internal ear is filled with .................. (Endolymph)
40. The three parts of the membranous labyrinth are ........., .......... and .............  
                (Vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea)
41. Chochlea is divided into two chambers by a membrane called ... (Basilar membrane) 
42. .................. detect the smell. (Olfactory receptors of nose) 
43. ..... and ..... are the two cavities present in the nose. (Nasal, vestibular cavities) 
44. The nasal cavity is lined with ........... membrane. (Mucus)
45. Smell and taste depend on the ........... of the substance and its ........... in water.                     (Chemical nature, Solubility)
46. All the nerve fibres in nose join to form a large nerve called ...... (Olfactory nerve)
47. Smell impulses are carried to the Brain through ........... (Olfactory nerve)
48. Man can detect as many as .......... different odours. (10,000)
49. Sensory receptors of the nose are located in ...........  (Mucus)
50. Receptors which detect smell and taste are called ................... (Chemoreceptors)            
51. An insect can smell certain chemicals called ...................... (Pheromones)
52. ........... enters the taste buds and bathes the taste receptors.   (Saliva)
53. Keratin is present in ............ (Epidermis) 
54. Tactile receptors are present in large numbers in .............. (Finger tips)
55. Beyond 35° C, ........... receptors behave as ... receptors. (Cold, heat)
56. Pressure sensing receptors are called ...............  (Pacinian corpuscles) 
57. Skin protects body from ............. and ....  (Damage and infection)
58. Multi layered epidermis is in .... and ....  (Palms and sole) 
59. Nails, horns, hair etc., contain a protein called ................ (Keratin)
60. People having white skin due to the ob-sence of melanin are called ...... (Albinos)
61. Oil producing glands of the body are named as .............. (Sebaceous glands) 
62. Blood vessels, glands, nerves etc., are present in ............ layer of skin. (Dermis) 
63. Impulses from cutaneous receptors reach brain via ....................... (Spinal cord)
64. Outer layer of the skin is called ............. (Epidermis)
65. Inner layer of the skin is called.....(Dermis)
66. Dead  cells  contain a  protein  called ...................... (Carotene) 
67. Exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of pigment and the skin becomes darken in                    colour this process is called ................ (Tanning) 
68. ......... is thicker than epidermis. (Dermis)
69. Finger prints are helpful in identifying people especially ............... (Criminals)
70. Tactile receptors are present in large numbers in ........... (Finger tips and lips) 
71. The receptors for pressure are called ....... (Pacinian corpuscles)
72. The intensity of feeling a stimulus will be high where the skin is ................... (Thin)
73. Ridges and Grooves are responsible for ............ (Finger prints)
74. Entry of a toxin into the skin causes ...................  (Allergy)
75. The larvae of itchmite has .... legs while the adult has ..... legs. (Six and four pairs)
76. Fertilized females and larval forms enter the skin through ............ (Tunnels) 
77. Infection of the burrows of itchmite with other pathogens is called ....
           (Secondary infection) 
78. The scientific name of itchmite is ........ (Sarcoptes scabies)
79. The body of itchmite is covered with small hair like structures called ..... (Bristles)
80. In infants scabies is seen in ............... (Palms and  soles) 
81. Sudden fainting in hot conditions is known as .............. (Heat syncope)
82. Sea snake venom causes ............ of muscles. (Paralysis)
83. Highly poisonous snake is .....(Sea snake)
84. Poisonous glands of the snake are the modified .............   (Salivary glands)  

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lachrymal glands secrete    
1) Tears 2) Saliva
3) Sweat 4) Acid
2. Fovea has a large number of      
1) Rods 2) Cones
3) Hairs 4) Holes
3. Study of eye and its diseases is called
1) Ornithology 2) Ophthalmology
3) Octology 4) Rhinology
4. Vision in man is called
1) Monocular 2) Binocular
3) Polyocular 4) None
5. Important role in seeing the near and distant objects is done by
1) Iris 2) Pupil
3) Lens 4) Retina
6. Sclerotic, choroid and retinal layers are concerned with
1) Eyes   2) Ears    
3) Mouth 4) None
7. Rods and Cones are receptors of
1) Ears     2) Nose  3) Tongue    4) Eye
8. Optic nerve is connected to which part of the retina ?
1) Yellow spot 2) Red spot
3) Fovea 4) Blind spot
9. The number of layers present in the eye
1) 1   2) 2 3) 4     4) 3
10. The ratio of Rods to Cones is
1) 12 to 2 2) 14 to 1
3) 15 to 1 4) 16 to 2
11. The nerve that carries message from brain to the eye is
1) Sensory  2) Motar
3) Optic nerve  4) Olfactory nerve
12. Auditory nerve carries information of
1) Sound 2) Taste   
3) Smell 4) Temperature
13. The lower window in the inner ear is called          
1) Oval window 2) Round window
3) Both 4) None
14. The nerve that carries information in the brain from the ear is
1) Olfactory 2) Optic
3) Auditory 4) All
15. We can hear sounds in a frequency range of 1) 16 – 40,000 per second
2) 16 – 40,000 per hour
3) 16 – 4,000 per minute
4) 16 to 2,000
16. Cochlea is present in
1) Outer ear 2) Middle ear
3) Incus 4) Inner ear
17. Sound travels in the form of
1) Particles 2) Waves
3) Both 4) None
18. Outer cavity in the inner ear is filled with
1) Perilymph 2) Lymph
3) Exolymph 4) Endolymph
19. Acoustic organ of the body is
1) Eye 2) Skin
3) Nose 4) Ear
20. Ear osicles are
1) Malleus   2) Incus   
3) Stapes     4) All
21. Ear osicles are concerned with the transmission of
1) Heat waves 2) Cold waves
3) Sound waves 4) Shock waves
22. Olfactory receptors are  
1) Chemoreceptors 
2) Photoreceptors       
3) Baroreceptors   
4) Mechanoreceptors
23. Chemoreceptors sense          
1) Touch 2) Light
3) Sound   4) Chemicals
24. Pheromones are the chemical substances released by female
1) Frogs 2) Fishes
3) Insects 4) Invertebrates
25. In nasal and buccal cavities, smell and taste chemicals dissolve in
1) Moisture 2) Alcohol
3) Blood 4) Enzymes
26. Fishes and invertebrates have no
1) Skin 2) Tongue
3) Irritability 4) Reproduction
27. The number of different odours             detected by man is
1) 7,000 2) 8,000
3) 10,000 4) 9,000
28. The information about smell is sent to brain by
1) Auditory nerve     2) Olfactory nerve
3) Sensory nerve      4) Optic nerve
29. The receptors for smell are present in
1) Mouth 2) Ear
3) Nose 4) None
30. The receptors for taste are present in
1) Mouth 2) Nose
3) Ear 4) None
31. The nasal cavity is lined with mucus membrane which is supplied with a large number of 1) Blood vessels 2) Nerve cells
3) Muscles 4) None
32. Nociceptors sense      
1) Temperature 2) Pressure
3) Pain 4) Light
33. Pacinian corpuscles sense
1) Temperature 2) Pressure
3) Pain 4) Light
34. Mammary glands are the modified
1) Sweat glands
2) Sebaceous glands
3) Mammary glands   
4) Lachrynal glands
35. Simple tubular glands of the skin are
1) Sweat glands  2) Sebaceous glands
3) Mammary glands 4) None
36. Ridges and grooves responsible for finger prints are present in
1) Epidermis   2) Dermis
3) Muscles   4) None
37. The average surface area of the skin covering over the body of an adult human is about 1) 1.5 sq. km. 2) 1 sq. km.
3) 2 sq. km 4) 3 sq. km
38. The thickness of skin in the eyelids
1) 1 mm 2) 1/2 mm
3) 2 mm 4) 3 mm
39. The thickness of skin in the lips 
1) 1/2 cm. 2) 1 cm.
3) 2 cm.   4) 3 cm.
40. The thickness of skin in sole of feet
1) 1 cm. 2) 2 cm.
3) 3 cm. 4) 1/2 cm.
41. The cold receptors behave like heat receptors beyond
1) 10 °C 2) 25 °C
3) 35 °C 4) 45 °C
42. The cold receptors are sensitive to changes in temperature from
1) 5° to 10 °C  2) 10° to 35 °C
3) 11° to 40 °C  4) 0° to 10 °C
43. The skin helps in the maintenance of body temperature at a constant level in
1) Birds 2) Birds and Mammals
3) Mammals 4) Amphibians
44. Mite resembles
1) Snake 2) Spiders  
3) Frogs   4) Bird
45. Mite belongs to the phylum
1) Arthropoda 2) Protozoa
3) Amphibia 4) Reptiles
46. The study of skin and skin diseases is called
1) Pathology 2) Taxonomy
3) Dermatology 4) Ecology
47. One of the most common skin disease in children is
1) Leprosy 2) Ringworm
3) Eczema 4) Scabies
48. The female mite is about
1) 300 microns 2) 400 microns
3) 200 microns 4) 100 microns
49. The body of the mite is shaped like that of a
1) Tortoise 2) Earthworm
3) Lizard 4) Snake
50. The number of legs in mite are 
1) 4 legs 2) 2 pairs
3) 4 pairs 4) 3 pairs
51. The shape of the tunnel made by female mite is
1) P shaped 2) S shaped
3) O shaped 4) C shaped
52. Female mite lives in the bottom of the tunnel for about
1) two hours 2) two weeks
3) two days 4) two months
53. On each day female mite lays eggs about 
1) 2 to 3 2) 1 to 2
3) 4 to 5 4) 5 to 10
54. After laying eggs the female mite dies at the end of
1) two days 2) two weeks
3) two months 4) two years
55. The number of legs in the larva of itch
1) 2 legs 2) 6 legs
3) 8 legs 4) 4 legs
56. Ointments that are used for the treatment of scabies contain
1) Magnesium 2) Iron     
3) Phosphorus 4) Sulphur
57. Before they become into adults, the larva of itchmite  moults
1) 3 times 2) 4 times
3) 5 times 4) 6 times
58. First line of defence in the body is
1) Muscles 2) Skin
3) Kidneys 4) Liver
59. Tunnels made by itchmites are called
1) Cocoons       2) Clitellum
3) Moulting pockets    4) Capsule
60. Naja naja is the name given to
1) Indian Cobra 2) King Cobra   
3) Sea snake 4) Krait
61. Haemolytic toxins affect the
1) Nerves   2) Lungs         
3) Blood vessels   4) Kidneys
62. Neurotoxins affect the
1) Blood vessels 2) Nervous system
3) Kidneys 4) Lungs
63. Name the snake which contains haemolytic toxins
1) Indian Cobra 2) Krait
3) King Cobra 4) Viper
64. Scientific name for King Cobra 
1) Naja naja    
2) Ophiophagus hanna
3) Echis carinata
4) Viper russelli
65. Bungarus fasciatus is the name given to
1) Banded Krait 2) Indian Cobra
3) King Cobra 4) Sawscaled viper
66. Bungarus coeruleus is the name given to
1) Russells viper
2) Saw viper
3) Cannan Indian Krait
4) King Cobra
67. Scientific name for Russells viper
1) Vipera russelli
2) Ophiophagus hanna
3) Naja naja
4) Echis carinata
68. Scientific  name  of  Sawscaled viper
1) Vipera russelli 2) Echis carinata
3) Naja naja 4) Ophiophagus hanna
69. Non-poisonous snake bite looks like
1) Fung mars 2) U shape
3) D shape 4) C shape
70. Severe blood loss due to Haemorrheage, local swelling with severe pain, eratic heart beat                      are the symptoms of .........
1) Neuro toxins     2) Hypno toxins
3) Haemolytic toxins  4) All
71. Snake whose poison is a neurotoxin
1) Cobra 2) Krait 3) Sea snake 4) All
72. Death  due  to  the  bite  of  non poiso-nous snake is because
1) Psychological fear 2) Effect of poison
3) Lack of timely treatment    4) All


1) 1           2) 2 3) 2           4) 2 5) 3           6) 1 7) 4           8) 4 9) 4         10) 3
11) 3 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3 15) 1 16) 4 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 4
21) 3 22) 1 23) 4 24) 3 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 1
31) 1 32) 3 33) 2 34) 2 35) 1 36) 2 37) 1 38) 2 39) 1 40) 4
41) 3 42) 2 43) 2 44) 2 45) 1 46) 3 47) 4 48) 2 49) 1 50) 3
51) 2 52) 1 53) 3 54) 2 55) 4 56) 2 57) 1 58) 3 59) 4 60) 1
61) 3 62) 2 63) 4 64) 1 65) 2 66) 3 67) 1 68) 2 69) 2 70) 3
71) 4 72) 1

Useful Pants and Animals

Useful Pants and Animals

1. Most of the research work on rice is done at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) located at Manila in Philippines.
2. Selection and hybridisation are the two important methods to improve crop plants.
3. There are two types of selection :
a) Mass selection
b) Pedigree method
4. In Mass selection plants with desired characters are selected from a mixed population of plants, seeds collected in bulk and grown.
5. In Pedigree method, plants having desired characters are crossed until a pure breed is evolved.
6. Domestication brought several changes in animals.
7. Horse was domesticated for meat, transport and to help in agriculture.
8. Mule and Henny are hybrids between donkey and horse.
9. The plants from which drugs are obtained are called medicinal plants.  Eg : Amla, Datura, Nuxvamica, Digitalis.
10. Sericulture is the rearing of silk worms.
11. Pollination is very essential for seed formation and propagation of the plants.
12. Apiculture is rearing of honeybees.
13. Foraminiferans and Radiolariam form oozes.
14. Modern techniques are now adopted to catch fish.
15. Snakes are useful to control rat menace.

objective bits

1. Scientific name of Asian variety of rice is ………… (Oryza sativa)
2. International Rice Research Institute is located in the country ……(Philippines)
3. Indian Rice Research Institute is at ……(Cuttack)  
4. Uniform group of plants with desirable characters is called ……… (Pure breed)
5. The present day cultivated plants have evolved from ……… (Wild plants)
6. Give two examples to plants evolved by hybridisation ………, …... (Mango, Rose)
7. The plants with more disease resistance are ………… varieties. (Local)
8. Secondary  hair  of  sheep  is called …… (Fleece/wool)
9. The ancestral horse from Central Asia and Russia is called …… horse (Przewalski)
10. Poultry grown specifically for meat are …………… (Broilers)
11. Poultry grown specifically for eggs are …… (Layers)
12. The present day cows produce more than ……… litres of milk per day. (20 – 30)
13. Cattle were domesticated …… years ago.(6,000)
14. Jungle fowl lays about …………… eggs per year. (12 – 20)  
15. Domestic fowl lays about ………… eggs per year. (300   )
16. ……………, ………… and ……… are the famous breeds of pig.
(Berkshire, Yorkshire, Land race)
17. Pelt is obtained for …… breed of sheep.(Corridale)
18. The stiff and straight hair of sheep is  called ………… hair. (Primary)
19. Hybrid between female horse and male donkey is called …… (Mule)
20. Heavy loads on mountains are carried by ……… and ……… (Mules, Hennys)
21. Horse was domesticated some ……… years ago. (4,000)
22. Corridale breed of sheep belong to ………… country. (New Zealand)
23. The scientific name of silk moth is ……(Bombyx mori)
24. Domesticated animals like cats are called …………… (Pet animals   )
25. In western countries horses are used for ……… operations. (Agricultural)
26. ……………… clothes have good heat retaining capacity. (Woollen)
27. Karakul breed of sheep is from ………… (Central Asia)  
28. Variety of Buffalo yielding large amounts of milk is ……… (Murra)
29. Andhra Pradesh produces…… of the total egg production in the country. (1/5th)
30. The scientific name of wheat is ……… (Triticum aestivum)
31. Millets and cereals belong to the family ……………… (Gramineae)
32. Lavender oil is an example for … (Aromatic oils)
33. Scientific name for teak is ……… (Tectona grandis)
34. Using plants to cure diseases is described in ………………… (Ayurveda)
35. ……… is obtained by partial burning of wood. (Coal)
36. Coal and petrol are derivatives of ………. (Plants)
37. Plants which have been buried in earth for several thousands of years give rise to ………………… (Crude oil)
38. Wood in the form of …………… is used in making paper. (Pulp)
39. The plant product, ……………… is used in making clothes. (Fibres)
40. Plants produce carbohydrates by a process called ……… (Photosynthesis)
41. Food materials in cereals are stored in seed, it is called ……… (Grain)
42. Wild species of wheat are ………… and ………… (Triticum monococcum;                        Triticum dicoccum)
43. Wheat is a …… crop in India. (winter)
44. Duration of wheat crop is …… months. (4 – 9)
45. Scientific name of rice is ………… (Oryza sativa)
46. Maize is botanically known as …………… (Zea mays)
47. Scientific name of Jowar is ……… (Sorghum vulgare)
48. Scientific name of Bajra is ……… (Pennisetum typhoideum)
49. Scientific name of finger millet is ……… (Elusine coracana)
50. Common name of Phaseolus mungo is …………… (Blackgram)
51. Scientific name of Palm is …………… (Elaeis guinensis)  
52. Scientific name of sunflower is ………
(Helianthus annus)
53. Neem seed oil is used as ……………… agent. (Antibacterial)
54. Wood in the form of ………… is used in the construction of houses. (Lumber)
55. Scientific name of Indian Rose Wood is ……… (Dalbergea latifolia)
56. The world's oldest fibre is ………(Cotton)
57. Cotton belongs to the Genus ………… (Gossypium)
58. Jute yielding plant is ……………… (Hibiscus Cannabinus)
59. Sunhemp is obtained from the plant called …………… (Crotalaria juncia)
60. Atropa is commonly called ……………                     (Deadly night shade)
61. The drug present in Atropa is …………                     (Atropine, an alkaloid)
62. Quinine is used to cure ………… (Malaria)
63. Quinine is obtained from the plant called …………………… (Cinchona officinalis)
64. Digitalin is used to treat ……………… diseases. (heart)
65. Drug present in Nuxvomica seeds is …………… (Brucine)
66. Scientific name of Thorn apple is ……… (Datura stramonium)
67. Morphine is the drug present in …………                                (Opium poppy)
68. Scientific name of opium is ……………                       (Papaver somniferum)
69. Common name of Ocimum sanctum is ……… (Tulsi)
70. Coir is obtained from ………………… (Coconut)
71. ……… is the fibre plant used in the preparation of soil cloth and matting. (Crotalaria juncia)
72. Scientific name of Amla is ……………… (Emblica officinalis)
73. Sericulture is the rearing of……                              (Silkworms)
74. Scientific name of silk moth is ……… (Bombyxmori)
76. The protein present in silk fibre is ……… ……… (Fibroin)  
77. Rearing of honeybees is called … (Apiculture)
78. Eggs of silk moth develop into …… larva. (Caterpillar)  
79. Cocoon formation takes … hours. (48)
80. Tasser silk is obtained from ……… (Antheria pamphia)
81. Erisilk is obtained from ………………… (Attacus cynthea)
82. Moonga silk is obtained from ………… (Thiophilea religiosae)
83. Male bees are called ………… (Drones)
84. Bee poison is used to treat a disease called …………… (Rheumatism)
85. Indian Honey bee is …………(Apis indica)
86. Scientific name of lac insect is ………… (Laccifer lac)
87. ………………… are used as a biological control against mosquito larvae. (Fishes)
88. Examples for marine protozoans are ……… and ……(Foraminifer, Radiolaria)
89. Spongin and spicules are present in the skeletons of …… (Sponges)
90. Two shelled molluscs are called .....… (Bivalvians)
91. Snake poison is used in the preparation of …………………… (Antivenom)
92. The famous snake park in India is located at …… near Madras. (Guindy)
93. Birds travelling from place to place for breeding are called …………… birds. (Migratory)
94. ………… is a place where birds and their environment is protected. (Sanctuary)
95. ……… is a place where environment suitable for birds is created artificially. (Aviary)
96. ……… act as biological control for rats. (Snakes)
97. Aviary is similar to …………… (Zoo)
98. Larva of silk moth is called ………… (Caterpillar)

Multiple choice questions

1. Number of wild species of rice are
1) 12       2) 18  

3) 16       4) 25
2. The present day crops were brought under cultivation before
1) 1000 years 2) 100 years
3) 200 years 4) 2000 years
3. The number of varieties of rice at present are
1) 1300     2) 100
3) 1000     4) 200
4. The Indian Rice Research Institute is located at
1) Bombay 2) Vijayawada
3) Cuttack 4) Kolkata
5. International Rice Research Institute is located at
1) Tokyo 2) New York
3) Manila 4) Delhi
6. Wild plants  have  the  following        characters
1) Thorns are present
2) They can thrive in water logged soils
3) They are resistant to drought conditions
4) All the above
7. Rice belongs to the genus
1) Oryza 2) Sativa
3) Indica 4) Japanica
8. The most common technique used for improving crops is          
1) Watering 2) Deweeding
3) Hybridisation 4) Ploughing
9. In Germplasm collection
1) Seeds are collected
2) Flowers are collected
3) Plants are collected
4) Leaves are collected
10. One of the ancient method of crop improvement is
1) Mass selection 2) Pedigree method
3) Hybridisation 4) None
11. Pure breed is obtained in this selection
1) Mass selection 2) Clonal selection
3) Pedigree method   4) All
12. Seeds are useful for one season only in this selection
1) Mass selection 2) Pedigree method
3) Clonal selection 4) Hybridisation
13. Pork is the meat of    
1) Cattle 2) Horse
3) Pig 4) None
14. Merino breed of sheep are famous for      
1) Milk    2) Meat   3) Wool    4) Skin
15. Poultry birds grown specially for meat are        
1) Layers 2) Broilers
3) Turkeys 4) None
16. Hybrid  of a male horse and female donkey is
1) Mule 2) Henny
3) Both 4) None
17. Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn are breeds popular in
1) Japan 2) India
3) China 4) All the above
18. Corridale is the breed of this country
1) Spain 2) Central Asia
3) New Zealand 4) Japan
19. Karakul is a breed of
1) Cattle 2) Sheep 3) Oxen 4) Cows
20. Livestock means
1) Cows 2) Buffaloes
3) Bulls 4) All the above
21. Breed of Pigs is/are
1) Berkshire 2) Land race
3) Yorkshire 4) All the above
22. Secondary hair of sheep is also called
1) Fleece 2) Wool
3) Both the above 4) None of these
23. Plants produce Carbohydrates in the presence of        
1) Light 2) Water
3) Carbon dioxide   4) All the above
24. Zea mays is the scientific name for
1) Rice   2) Paddy
3) Maize   4) Jowar
25. Which of the following is a pulse crop ?
1) Neem 2) Redgram
3) Banana 4) Apple
26. Fossil fuels are      
1) Coal 2) Petroleum
3) Both 4) None
27. Uzi fly destroys      
1) Silkworm 2) Roundworm
3) Pinworm 4) Seatworm
28. Number of queen bees in a honey comb
1) 3        2) 2   3) 5    4) 1
29. Apis indica is the scientific name of  
1) Bumble bee 2) Honey bee
3) Cockroach 4) House fly
30. D.D.T. is an example for  
1) Fungicide        2) Weedicide
3) Insecticide      4) None of the above
31. Pheromones are useful for
1) Digestion 2) Respiration
3) Flying 4) Reproduction
32. Rearing of silkworms is called
1) Sericulture 2) Apiculture
3) Olericulture 4) None
33. Rearing of honey bees is called
1) Sericulture 2) Apiculture
3) Olericulture 4) None
34. Flies used to control caterpillars are
1) Uziflies 2) Butterflies
3) Houseflies 4) Tachnid flies
35. Best quality silk is
1) Moonga   2) Erisilk
3) Mulberry   4) All
36. Rock bee is      
1) Apis indica 2) Apis dorsata
3) Apis mellifera 4) None
37. Pearl is made up of  
1) Sodium carbonate
2) Calcium carbonate
3) Magnesium carbonate
4) Calcium silicate
38. The great Siberian crane is found at the sanctuaries of  
1) Bharatpur 2) Jabalpur
3) Nagpur 4) Rampur
39. Snake park is at      
1) Guindy   2) Mandi
3) Dundy   4) Delhi
40. Snakes act as a Biological control for
1) Rats  2) Dogs 3) Cats  4) Flies
41. The animals with shells are
1) Molluscs 2) Echinodermates
3) Both 4) None
42. Rats spread this disease
1) Plague 2) Typhoid
3) Cholera 4) Malaria

1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3 5) 3 6) 4 7) 1 8) 3 9) 1 10) 1
 11) 3 12) 1 13) 3 14) 3 15) 2 16) 2 17) 2 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4
21) 4 22) 2 23) 4 24) 3 25) 2 26) 3 27) 1 28) 4 29) 2 30) 3
31) 4 32) 1 33) 2 34) 4 35) 3 36) 2 37) 2 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1
41) 1 42) 1