Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Q.1 Nobel prize was established after Alfred
Bernhard Nobel
Ans A Chemical Engineer
Q.2 Nobel Prize started in
Ans 1901
Q.3 Alfred Nobel made his fortune by inventing
Ans Dynamite
Q.4 The sky appears blue because the earth’s
Ans Reflects blue light
Q.5 An Ediascope is used to
Ans To view Three Dimensional Pictures
Q.6 Hemoglobin in the blood is a complex protein
rich in
Ans Iron
Q.7 Who compiled first English dictionary
Ans Samuel Johnson
Q.8 In which year nobel prize was not awarded
Ans 1940-42
Q.9 Who was the first Asian to have received the
nobel prize
Ans Rabinder Nath Tagore
Q.10 First woman to win Nobel Prize was
Ans madame marie Curie Sklodowska
Q.11 The country which received maximum Nobel
Q.12 Which Nobel Prize is technically not a noble
Ans Economics (started in 1969)
Q.13 First Post office Opened in Which City of India
Ans: Kolkata in 1727
Q.14 British Prime Minister Winston Churchil
awarded Nobel Prize
Ans 1953- Literature
Q.15 All nobel prizes are awarded in Stockholm
,Sweden except?
Ans peace prize which is held in Oslo, Norway
Q.16 Largest producer of copper
Ans Chile
Q.17 Largest producer & exporter of rubber
Ans Thailand
Q.18 Largest cotton, rice and Wheat producer
Ans China
Q.19 Largest wheat exporter
Q.20 Largest Uranium producer
Ans Canada
Q.21 Largest Uranium reserves are in
Ans Australia
Q.22 Largest natural gas producer and reserves
are in
Ans Russia
Q.23 Largest exporter of rice
Ans Thailand (Recently India Overtakes Thailand)
Q.24 Largest sugarcane producer
Ans Brazil
Q.25 Largest sugar exporter
Ans Cuba
Q.26 Largest exporter of cotton
Q.27 Largest Tea producer
Ans india
Q.28 Largest Tea exporter
Ans Sri Lanka
Q.29 Largest palm oil producer
Ans Malaysia
Q.30 Largest olive Oil produce
Ans Spain
Q.31 Largest Iron ore producer
Ans Brazil
Q.32 Largest Gold producer
Ans China
Q.33 Largest Gold Exporter
Ans South Africa
Q.34 Largest producer and consumer of coal
Ans China
Q.35 Largest reserves of coal
Q.36 Largest oil reserve country
Ans Saudi Arabia
Q.37 Largest oil producing country
Ans Saudi Arabia
Q.38 Largest hydroelectricity producer
Ans Canada
Q.39 Largest Thermal Electricity Producer
Q.40 Largest nuclear energy producer
Q.41 Largest producer of chromite
Ans South Africa
Q.42 Largest electric power producer
Q.43 Largest Iron and Steel Industry is in
Ans China
Q.44 Largest Fish catching country
Ans China
Q.45 Largest producer of jute
Ans India
Q.46 Largest solar energy producer
Q.47 Largest car producing country
Ans japan
Q.48 Largest diamond producer
Ans Australia
Q.49 Largest Mica producer
Ans India
Q.50 Largest Tobacco producer
Ans China
Q.51 Largest Sulphur producer
Q.52 Largest Nickel producer
Ans Canada
Q.53 Largest oil consuming country
Q.54 Largest coffee producer
Ans Brazil
Q.55 Largest number of nuclear reactors
Q.56 Largest producer of dry milk
Ans Netherlands
Q.57 Largest producer of tin
Ans China
Q.58 Largest fresh water reserves are in
Ans North America
Q.59 Largest fuel wood producer in the world
Ans India
Q.60 Largest Aluminium producer in the world
Q.61 Largest fertilizer producer in world
Q.62 Largest food producer in world
Ans Canada
Q.63 Largest Food exporter
Ans Canada
Q.64 Largest producer of cocoa
Ans Ivory Coast
Q.65 Largest island of the world
Ans Greenland
Q.66 Country with shortest coast line of 3.49 miles
or 5.58 km
Ans Monaco
Q.67 Name the country with highest number of
internet users
Ans China
Q.68 China has land borders with how many
Ans 16
Q.69 Largest foreign aid donor country is
Ans Japan
Q.70 Country with largest GNP
Q.71 Country with the largest foreign debts
Q.72 Richest country of the world is
Ans Switzerland
Q.73 Leading electricity producer of the world is
Q.74 Which country keeps largest regular armed
Ans China
Q.75 Which is the biggest restaurant chain
Ans Mcdonalds
Q.76 Who built the first fully practical airplane
Ans Wilbur & Orville wright (Wright brothers)
Q.77 Who built the first steam railway locomotive
Ans Richard Trevithick
Q.78 Who was the first woman to travel in the
Ans Valentina Tereshkova
Q.79 When was world’s 1st satellite Sputnik 1
Ans 1957
Q.80 Most densely populated country is
Ans Monaco
Q.81 Who reached first to south pole in 1911
Ans Ronald Amundson
Q.82 First American to reach North pole in 1909
Ans Robert e peary
Q.83 When Yuri Gagrin, a Russian first person
went to space
Ans 1961
Q.84 Neil Alden Armstrong, An American set foot
on the moon in
Ans 1969 (first man on moon)
Q.85 First man who climbed Mount Everest in
Ans Edmud Hillary
Q.86 First woman to climb Everest
Ans Junko Taibei
Q.87 Who was first man to sail round the world
Ans Ferdinand Magellan
Q.88 Who was first president of China
Ans Dr. Sun Yat San
Q.89 Who was the first president of USA
Ans George Washinton
Q.90 Who was the first prime minister of England
Ans Sir Robert Walpole
Q.91 Who was the first lady prime minister of a
Ans Srimavo Bhandarnaike
Q.92 First telegraph signal was transmitted in
Ans 1901
Q.93 First rocket launched by India from?
Ans Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station
Q.94 First Nuclear power plant in India was
established at Ans Tarapore
Q.95 Soccer world cup was first contested in 1930
Ans Uruguay
Q.96 First man to receive an artificial heart is
Ans Dr Barney Clark
Q.97 First University in India
Ans Nalanda University
Q.98 Largest Bank of the world
Ans Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Q.99 Which is the highest region in the world

Ans Tibet(Pamir)
Q.100 Which is the deepest lake in the world is
Ans Baikal

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